Andrew Clack -
Technicweb Limited
"We have only been confident to grow the business as we have, due to being financially enlightened"
We have only been confident to grow the business as we have, due to being financially enlightened; both through our monthly meetings with Jo, and through how she has set our finance team up to manage the cashflow so efficiently. Every team within our company knows the numbers that drive their success and report on them every month. Companies that are ‘in the dark’ financially are playing Russian Roulette if they expand; they cannot know what to expect.
"Jo fills a gap in my business to keep me driven and push me forward."
I’ve known Jo a long time, she helped me when I was MD at Dad’s commercial furniture company. I need the numbers driven aspect of the Business Growth Academy as my skills lay more in creativity, and I have learned a lot on the course, including enhancing my sales and marketing knowledge. Jo fills a gap in my business to keep me driven and push me forward. I love working with her, she gives me confidence and has helped me with business strategy and planning; it’s clearly working as my turnover has gone from zero to £500,000 in the past year! But it’s not all about turnover, Jo has made me look at individual projects to improve profit margins. Even though the course has finished I will continue to work with Jo, as I know I will continue to succeed with her support. She is very driven and makes you look at your business critically and make necessary improvements. The hardest part of the course was time pressure, but I have had the excuse of giving birth in the middle of it!

Hayley Roy - Harp
Commercial Interiors Limited

Steven & Sue Sims -
IT Positive Limited
"The Business Growth Academy makes you see things in your business in a different way."
When we started the sessions we were struggling and at our maximum productive level we weren’t going to earn enough to live. We’ve changed the way our business models work and the way we sell our services and we’ve seen immediate improvements with sales and profitability. The Business Growth Academy makes you see things in your business in a different way. Jo’s accountancy background means she does the figure work in a very different way to a normal business coach, and she holds you accountable for success from the outset. The Business Growth Programme has really benefited the business. It has made me focus on what I need to achieve. Jo is very good at keeping you up to date and getting feedback from you. She inspires you to do the background work that you need to do to ensure success.
"Every time I have asked a question, Jo has had an answer for me."
Jo has a unique perspective on business growth and because she’s been an accountant, she looks at the figures; so many business owners don’t look at the figures, including me! Her delivery keeps things in your mind. I’ve found it quite daunting, but every time I have asked a question, Jo has had an answer for me. I know that the Business Growth Academy is going to help me grow my business beyond all expectations. I can’t recommend Jo or the Business Growth Programme highly enough.

Sue Ellen - Direct Marketing Services

Adam Elwell -
Elwell Taylor Limited
"I always do more on our days together than any other time."
Helps to focus your mind and business. Clearer in Cashflow and now have full management accounts and a way to determine what parts of the business are most profitable. I now need to pull it all together. I always do more on our days together than any other time to move the business forward. I’ve new ideas to implement including packaging my service offerings and including a show home package.
"I was scared to increase my prices but Jo gave us the confidence to do so."
As I had come from being an instructor I didn’t have business experience. So I wanted to learn how to grow the business, to go out and get business. I wanted the numbers driven aspect of Business Growth Academy to help us raise the profile of the company. I was scared to increase my prices but Jo gave us the confidence to do so and it has not lost us any business. In fact with one of our key pools closing for renovation we have still improved our profits term on term. I know how to plan strategically now. I am now qualified to train instructors, which has resolved the problem we had of finding suitable teachers. I also know I can employ staff to help me, I don’t have to do it all myself. Pulling the business apart made me realise how good we are at what we do. Jo encouraged us to survey our customers and it proved that we have 90% of our clients re-book which again gave us confidence to increase prices. We are considering the possibility of franchising some of our venues, we would never have had the confidence to do that before BGA. Since working with Jo I now delegate jobs and can dedicate time to manage. The course needs your time and focus, but it works.

Tracie Jack - Swim With Me Limited

Grame Parrett -
"The clarity I’ve got from working with Jo and the Business Growth Academy is definitely working."
The Business Growth Academy has given me clarity on what we offer as a company and to whom we offer it. I’ve come away with certain, simple processes, that we can put in place to increase sales and turnover straightaway. Jo’s background in accountancy means she works from the numbers up, so there is much more depth in what she delivers than you would get from a generic business coach. The clarity I’ve got from working with Jo and the Business Growth Academy is definitely working - we’ve doubled the number of monthly orders, which is great but when you consider that the average order value has gone up 55%, you can begin to see the positive impact this is having on our profits. I put this success down, solely, to the Business Growth Academy.
"she has answers to your questions and that stems from experience and technical knowledge."
I came on the Business Growth Academy course to see what benefits Joanne’s skills could bring to Dancing Giraffe. She is very good at what she does. An accountant by trade, she understands the numbers that businesses need to focus on to make them more profit aware. She doesn’t just deliver the course in a set format- she has answers to your questions and that stems from experience and technical knowledge.

Susan Pattrick - Dancing Giraffe CIC

Trudy Cooper -
House of Colour
"Jo’s very good at getting you to take action and be accountable."
I came along as a self-employed solopreneur. I had been coasting along, not really taking much notice of the results. I realised that I could make it much more efficient but needed help with the business side of things. Jo’s very good at getting you to take action and be accountable. It’s all very well knowing how to market your business, but if you don’t take action, you won’t get the results you are looking for.
"I’ve learned a lot about the best way to market and manage my business."
Jo is knowledgeable and credible, and her unique approach to business growth is very numbers orientated, but it gets the results we want. The Group set up of the Business Growth Programme has proved very positive, we help each other, learn from each other and sound ideas off each other. I’ve learned a lot about the best way to market and manage my business from the programme and I thoroughly recommend it.

Terry Brooker - Green Shoots Properties

Leigh Ashton -
The Sales Consultancy
"This is a must for all business owners"."
I’ve had my own business for 15 years and can honestly say that after spending as little as 4 hours with Jo on my finances, has transformed the way I think and opened my eyes to more potential. I have a greater understanding of how to make my business even more successful and my personal future more secure. This is a must for all business owners…even if you’re achieving financial success…and especially if you’re not reaping the rewards of your effort!!! Thanks Jo.